KS3 Course Overview
Click on the icon for the term you are on!

Year 7: Term 1
We are really excited for you to start your computing journey with us!
This term is going to focus on your digital literacy. It doesn't matter what your skill levels on a computer are, by the end of this term you will be able to navigate our system with ease!
To get started, click HERE
Term 2
Year 7 Term 3
In this term we will learning all about Scratch and block based programming!
Year 7 Term 4
In term 4 we are going to continue with Computer Science and looking into more detail at the BBC Microbit.
Similar to Scratch, Microbits can also be programmed using coding blocks but we are going to develop out skills further using MicroPython!
Term 5
Term 6
Year 8: Term 1
Welcome Year 8 to Python Programming.
This term we will be introducing you to one of the most rewarding challenges there is for any future computer scientists. Learning your first programming language!
Click HERE to get started!